Call 1-800-MEDICARE (633-4227) to contact Medicare. TTY and TTD users may reach Medicare at 1-877-486-2048.
You can call either toll-free number to receive help regarding Medicare billing, claims, medical records, and more. Note that this is not how you sign up for Medicare as that must be done through the Social Security Administration (SSA).
We walk you through signing up for Medicare online here.
Can I get information about Medicare online?
Visit Medicare.gov to:
- Access your information in your personal online account
- Search for a care provider
- Find and compare health and drug plans in your area
- Find medical equipment and suppliers
- Compare procedure costs
You can also learn more about what Medicare covers and how to file claims and appeals. The website also has a live chat to get personalized help with your Medicare questions.
Where can I find a local Medicare office?
Unfortunately, there are no local Medicare offices. Everything related to Medicare must be handled online or over the phone.
Is there a Medicare coverage helpline?
No, there is not a special helpline or Medicare customer service phone number for coverage questions. The only way to contact Medicare by phone is by calling 1-800-MEDICARE. Remember, you can check whether your service, test, or a particular item is covered on Medicare’s website. Click here and enter the relevant search term to learn more.
This page also includes a link to an alphabetical list of common conditions and services. By clicking the resulting links, you can learn more about when Medicare covers that service, how often, and what your costs are.
Will Medicare ever call me?
No one from Medicare or Social Security will ever call you unless you have specifically requested a phone call. Both Medicare and the SSA will communicate with you via U.S. mail.
If someone does call you claiming to be from Medicare or Social Security and you did not request a call, hang up the phone immediately. Then, call the appropriate 800-number listed above and explain what happened. Follow their instructions about what to do next.
Related reading: Does the Social Security Office Call You for Suspicious Activity?
How do you sign up for Medicare?
To enroll in Medicare, you must contact the SSA. The fastest and easiest way is to use the online application found on the SSA website. It is available to anyone who:
- Is at least 64 years and nine months old
- Has no Medicare coverage
- Does not currently receive Social Security benefits, including retirement, disability, and survivor benefits
- Does not wish to receive Social Security benefits yet
Completing this application takes less than 10 minutes.
You can also apply for Medicare over the phone by calling 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. While hold times may be considerable, representatives will be available to help you sign up.
Finally, you can apply for Medicare in person by visiting your local Social Security office. Use the Social Security Office Locator to find a location near you. If you visit your local office, be sure to schedule an appointment to avoid waiting in long lines.
What is the SSA?
The SSA, or Social Security Administration, is the U.S. government office that handles applications for retirement benefits, disability, and Medicare. Their website, SSA.gov, provides a library of information about retirement benefits and Medicare. You can also submit a request for a new Social Security card, estimate your retirement benefits, apply for Medicare, and more.
Check out some of these frequently asked questions and answers provided by the SSA about what they offer.
How to compare Medicare plan options
Our Find a Plan tool makes it easy to compare your Medicare plan options. Just enter your zip code to start reviewing Medicare plans in your area.
Additional resources
Medicare 101: Understanding the Basics of Medicare
Internal Website Link
7 Surprising Medicare Advantage Benefits
Internal Website Link
When Can You Sign Up for Medicare?
Internal Website Link