If you do not want to receive telemarketing calls from HealthPlanOne, LLC or its related entities (“Company”), you can ask us to place your telephone number on our "Do Not Call" list. In compliance with federal and state laws, we will document your request within the timeframe contained in this Policy.
Timing for Processing Do Not Call Request
Please allow up to 30 days for your telephone number to be removed from any sales programs and marketing campaigns that are currently underway.
Your Do Not Call Request Requirements
- Your request can be in writing, by e-mail, or by phone (see below for contact information), and must include, at a minimum, your telephone number. Anyone may be placed on the Company’s Do Not Call List by:
- sending a written request to the Company at the following address:
HealthPlanOne, LLC
Attn: Privacy Officer
35 Nutmeg Drive, Suite 220
Trumbull, CT 06611; - e-mailing the Company at: privacy@hpone.com; or
- calling the Company at: 844-978-0969.
- sending a written request to the Company at the following address:
- The request must provide the 10-digit telephone number that is not to be called and, if desired, the person’s name. If you have multiple telephone numbers, tell us all numbers that you want to be included on the list.
- If your telephone number ever changes, you must give us your new telephone number for your "do not call" status to remain in effect, and tell us which telephone number currently on our “Do Not Call” list has been changed (if more than one of your telephone numbers is on our “Do Not Call” list).
The Company will maintain the telephone number and, if provided, the name on the Company’s “Do Not Call” list for five (5) years, unless a request is made by the person to have the number removed.
Many state “Do Not Call” regulations permit companies to contact their own customers even though they are on these “Do Not Call” lists.
Therefore, if you are a customer, you may be contacted by us even though you are on a state or the national "do not call" list. If you do not want to be contacted by Company even though you are a customer, simply follow the steps above to be placed on the Company “Do Not Call” list and your request will be honored.
HPOne Do Not Call Request Obligations
Being on the Company "Do Not Call" list means that you will not receive telemarketing calls by anybody representing our Company.
All employees that engage in outbound telephone solicitation are trained in this policy and are made aware of these procedures. Management will review the policy with these employees on a regular basis.
The Company respects the wishes of those customers and prospective customers who do not want to receive telephone solicitation calls from the Company. It is the policy of the Company not to make a telephone solicitation call to any of the following:
- any person who has requested that the Company not make such calls to the person’s residence; or
- any person who has put his or her telephone number on a federal or state Do Not Call registry maintained by the Federal Trade Commission and various state-agency lists, except as otherwise permitted by law.
A “telephone solicitation call” means any call that is made for the purpose of encouraging the purchase of products and services from the Company.
The methods and procedures in this “Do Not Call” policy are reviewed by Company on an annual basis. If a consumer requests a copy of our “Do Not Call” policy, we will send a copy of this policy via U.S. mail or electronic mail. The “Do Not Call” policy is also posted on the Company websites.
More Information
The Company intends to comply with all federal and state Do Not Call laws. Any questions concerning the Company’s Do Not Call Policy may be directed to the contact addresses and numbers above.
The Federal Trade Commission also offers a free service to consumers allowing them to place their residential phone number on a National Do Not Call Registry. This service is offered and maintained by the federal government, not by our Company. Consumers may add their residential phone number to this list either by calling 888-382-1222 or by going to www.donotcall.gov.